Saturday, April 20, 2013

Anger As a Renewable Resource

Last night, I commented online that the capture of the Boston bombing suspect was a good thing, because it meant we could forget about the actual victims. This prompted a friend to take me to task for what they felt was an ugly display of pessimism. Rather than offending me, this made me consider why I write what I do. While I don't generally set out to offend friends (or any sensible person), the truth is that there are times when saying things that border on indecency feels like the only humanly decent reaction. I once wrote that the reason I'm always trying to be funny is because the alternative is to be angry all the time. Recent events have led me to concede that I'm not as funny as I'd like to think I am and I'm usually angrier than I should be. Now, if only that energy could be harnessed, dependency on crude oil and coal would plummet.

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