Saturday, February 23, 2013

Surrender in the War of Ideas

After reading about the recently launched social network site Tea Party Community, designed as a haven for conservatives victims of "liberal bullying" on Facebook, I have just one question. I'll try to make it as polite as possible but can't promise success. Here goes...

Would these cry-babies like some cheese with their whine?

OK, that wasn't polite, let alone nice, but frankly there's no reason to be on this. Not only is it a wrongheaded approach, it's also a very un-American one. America's greatness is about the clash of ideas, not shutting out the ones you don't like or pretending inconvenient facts don't exist.

In case these misguided fellow Americans haven't realized it, the issue is not that people are discussing things about which they disagree. The issue is that we the people seem to have lost the ability to consider that other people might have highly valid reasons for holding opposing ideas. That's not surprising since partisans on all sides have trouble remembering that holding different ideas than you does not make that person less than human. I don't claim to know the answer to that problem, but I do know that people further isolating themselves in an ideological echo chamber is not going to help anything.

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