Friday, February 1, 2013

Our Sarah Jane

Actress Elisabeth Sladen who played perhaps the most iconic of all the Doctor's traveling companions, Sarah Jane Smith, would have been 67 today. Back in 2008 I remember watching the episode Turn Left, which depicted an alternate timeline where Sarah-Jane died saving the lives that the Doctor wasn't around to save. Even though I knew she'd be back at some point, when the Doctor Who universe returned to its normal state of fiction, it still made me sad. When Sladen died a couple years ago, it was of course sadder because it meant that Sarah Jane would never be back. For fans of my generation, I think that's even worse than Patrick Troughton or Jon Pertwee who we never knew as anything but past Doctors. Sladen was always Sarah-Jane, and one of the nicest things about the resurrection of Doctor Who several years back is that she remained a key part of the show's history. As the show's 50th year rolls along, it's unfortunate that Sladen and Sarah Jane are now only part of its past.

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