Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happiness Comes in Unexpected Packages (2013 Edition)
Monday, December 23, 2013
The Turing Test
Friday, December 20, 2013
You Have to Learn When to Duck
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Every Doctor Has Their Day
Monday, November 11, 2013
The Law of Averages - Marvel Style
Friday, November 1, 2013
The Lou or the John?
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Intelligence Failure
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Legal Eagles Can Still Be Full of Bird Crap
Thursday, July 4, 2013
237 And Counting
A friend quite rightly suggested online that we should all take a moment to remember what the July 4th holiday is about (beyond food cooked on a grill, that is). This brought to mind the musical 1776. Though it takes some liberties with historical facts, the show masterfully depicts the events leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
What makes it especially relevant for us today is the way it shows government and the men who formed it (with not inconsiderable contributions from women) for what they really are and always have been in our history. These founding fathers are neither the infallible icons nor the over-entitled patriarchal devils of political extremists' fantasies. Rather, 1776 shows them as flawed but nonetheless gifted men who were able to recognize and seize a moment in history. Likewise, the republic they founded - and the process if governing it - is messy and imperfect, especially when it comes to matters of great importance.
This trailer for the early-70s film version encapsulates that quite nicely amid the singing (sorry that the sound quality is iffy in spots).
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Wagging the Critical Dog
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Galactica In Name Only?
After watching the pilot episode of the original Battlestar Galactica for the first time in a few years, it struck me how confused someone who only knows the 21st century version - frequently called BSG - might be. As many have noted, though numerous characters have the same (or, at least, very similar) names, they're very different between the two programs. Most people making that observation do so to disparage the more recent version as "Galactica in name only", that's not my intention here.
Personally, I enjoy both versions but that's a separate discussion. My mission here is simply to offer the following cheat sheet to help novices distinguish the original's key characters from those of BSG.
Adama with Better Skin
Apollo with Fewer Daddy Issues
Starbuck with Less Balls
Less attractive Boomer
Less Weasely Baltar
Sober Tigh
Honorable mention goes to Cassiopeia who, between the pilot and the regular series, was switched from being a prostitute to a medic. Had she been included in the 21st century edition, doubtless they would have kept her as a prostitute. If I had to name a true missed opportunity on the part of the makers of BSG, not incorporating her would definitely be it.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
What's In a Name, Doctor?
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Wit & Widsom of Johnny Dollar
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
To Err Is Human - Compassion Should Be Too
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Rethinking a Golden Age
Like many fans of old-time radio, I always tended to think of the golden age of radio as a single era. As I've been researching a film project about the end of that period, an intriguing book by radio historian Jim Cox entitled Say Goodnight Gracie: The Last Years of Network Radio has made me realize how important seeing radio's heyday as a series of eras within the larger era is to understanding the development of old-time radio. More specifically, it helped me appreciate how various external factors impacted the development of some of its best loved programs, especially in the 1950s.
Though radio was still the dominant medium at the start of the decade, television was starting to erode the mass audience for whom radio had been the primary form of entertainment. As the 1950s went on, many long-running radio shows ended, including icons like The Shadow. Some programs found second lives on television. Some programs, like the soap opera The Guiding Light, co-existed in both TV and radio for a time. The majority of shows simply vanished. Much of this was driven by the sponsors, who once supported the lion's share of radio programming, deciding that television was where they wanted to put their resources. And though many classic shows suffered as a result, there was also a curious, and in some ways beneficial, flip-side to that shift.
Though both audience sizes and sponsor support for radio programming were declining, there was still a substantial audience for the networks to serve. More to the point, there was airtime that these networks needed to fill and, as much as possible, fill cheaply. Those factors turned out to be a genuine boon for radio drama. Unlike the star-driven music and variety programs which required large (i.e. expensive) casts and orchestras, dramas could be made for a fraction of the cost. Cox cites the average weekly production cost of a variety program as $40,000, whereas a detective series might only cost $4000-$7000. In contrast to the reality/competition driven network line-ups of today, the economics of broadcasting in the 1950s actually favored scripted drama.
It wasn't just economics, though, that benefited radio drama. By the middle of the decade, the audience that was still loyal to radio drama was also a more discerning audience that desired more substantive story-telling of the kind offered by writer-driven programs like Gunsmoke and X Minus One. This was the environment into which actor Bob Bailey and writer/director/producer Jack Johnstone stepped in 1955 when the mystery series Yours Truly Johnny Dollar began its year-long run of character-driven long-form narratives that ultimately led to it becoming the very last continuing drama of radio's golden age. That the same factors that ultimately doomed radio-drama in America were also a factor in some of its greatest shows is the sort of irony that would have been very much appreciated by Matt Dillon, Johnny Dollar and the other well-drawn characters that made old-time radio's final decade in many ways its finest decade.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Anger As a Renewable Resource
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Linguistic Boners
Like many who've had an embarrassing moment in junior high-school when asked to do a math problem at the front of the classroom, I understand why the word "boner" is often used to refer to a mistake. Many other pejorative terms, though, leave me scratching my head (hello nurse). For instance, why do people insist on using the expression "jerk off" as an insult? We're talking about something that gives a great many people a great deal of pleasure. For that matter, the same question should be asked of the word "cocksucker". Let's face it, anyone who doesn't equate that word with pleasure has never had direct experience with anyone who fits that description (a description I mean as anything but a negative). Surely, that's their loss, but it needn't be anyone else's.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
It Was a Little Hot to Have Cheese with My Whine
My understanding of the term "professional driver" is that it refers to an individual who is paid not only to get me from point A to point B but also to know how to get to said point B or at least its general vicinity given the address. While I appreciate that they may need some guidance within my neighborhood, said "professional driver" should not need me to tell them which exits/roads to take to get to my neighborhood, especially when I just got off the plane from a transatlantic flight.
This sentiment - bordering on resentment - was very deeply felt the other day due to the combination of starting that day at the equivalent of 10 pm, spending virtually all of the subsequent 16 hours in either an airport or an airplane. Going from that to Washington DC traffic in a car whose air-conditioning was blowing hot air while the outside temperature was around 80 degrees was sufficient to curdle any vestiges of the milk of human kindness within me.
I'm confident the air-conditioning will be fixed. As far as the driver's more fundamental issue, that's anyone's guess.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Occam's Bowie
Part of it is the songs, which are some of the most consistently good of Bowie's whole career. However, what ultimately makes The Next Day so good is that it's a true return to Bowie's approach of remaking pop music genres in his own image. In this case he's embraced the fact that "Bowie" has become a genre in its right.
To some extent this was true of his other post-millennium albums, Heathen and Reality, both of which had some great moments. With a decade's hindsight - and The Next Day as a point of comparison - they seem to have been so focused on proving that the "Bowie" genre was worth embracing that they couldn't transcend it. The difference with The Next Day is that, having proven the Bowie genre's worth, the 21st century model of David Bowie has opted to run with it as far and as fast as he can. Your mileage may vary but I think this is one for the long run.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Who Goes There
Yesterday turned out to be a doubly interesting day for Doctor Who. Not only did the latest run of episodes start on the BBC (including BBC America), a publishing glitch led to the hasty announcement that the show's 50th anniversary story in November would feature at least one past Doctor in the form of David Tennant. The March 30th timing of that news was amusing because it marked eight years since another hasty BBC announcement involving the show's casting - that Christopher Eccleston would be leaving the role which was followed immediately by talk that David Tennant was the favorite to succeed him.
That 2005 announcement turns out to have been a turning point in the show's history, in many ways directly responsible for both of yesterday's main events. The casting of Tennant coupled with the BBC committing to two full series all but guaranteed Doctor Who would be on TV for new stories when its 50th anniversary came around, making it highly appropriate that Tennant should be a part of the upcoming celebratory story. At the same time, the BBC's decision - after years of ambivalence - to embrace Doctor Who not just as a regular part of its lineup but also a key commercial brand largely marked the end of 21st century Doctor Who as an attempt at melding serious drama with crowd-pleasing spectacle.
Instead the balance shifted - gradually at first then accelerating as Tennant gave way to Matt Smith - almost entirely to the spectacle with the dramatic underpinnings becoming simultaneously flimsier and more overdone, however enjoyable the results turned out to be, which leads to last night's episode. The Bells of St. John was certainly fun and clever in many ways and included some well-executed nods to the show's history. In those respects it was far better than each of the two stories - both written by Steven Moffat - that preceded it.
Being neither fun nor clever, Angels in Manhattan came across mainly as a live-action marketing brochure for Doctor Who's renewed fandom in America. The only truly distinctive element was its attempt to manipulate viewers' emotions without any real dramatic foundation, expecting us to accept that the man who's coped with the deaths of numerous friends over hundreds of years is suddenly devastated by his separation from a couple of relatively recent additions to his life that he knows pretty much lived happily ever after.
The Snowmen was a better story, but it was dragged down by the pointlessly dour portrayal of The Doctor and the return of the Sontaran Strax. Though Strax was intended, as comic relief, it still brought to mind the mid-80s approach to continuity where a lot of potentially good Doctor Who stories were undercut by having established monsters and villains grafted on to them for no good reason.
In contrast, the references to past stories in The Bells of St. John fit perfectly. It's tempting to suggest that it harkens back to the Christopher Eccleston season, but I'm reluctant to go that far. There are good signs that Steven Moffat is approaching the mystery of new companion Clara in a way will be worth watching for the payoff, but his tenure to date as head-writer makes it seem equally likely that he'll fall back on his normal bag-of-tricks, which are already providing diminishing results.
However, for all my reservations, the fact remains that Steven Moffat is probably the best writer in the show's long history, better even than old-school fan-favorite Robert Holmes, another Doctor Who writer who also deployed an established bag of tricks with varying results. Like Moffat, Holmes was a writer who could take many of the same plot elements and in two different stories create both one of the show's dramatic triumphs (The Caves of Androzani) and its most ridiculous (The Power of Kroll). In a similar fashion, it will be interesting to see which Steven Moffat shows up over the rest of the year.
Monday, March 18, 2013
Hindsight May Be 20/20 But Delusion Is 100%
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Race-ing to the Middle
With the two-party system ambling toward obsolescence, it's becoming clear that race - and racism - is not just a good way to redefine political affiliation, it's just about the only sensible way to do so.
It's not about us and them anymore - at least not an "us" and "them" defined as relatively equal segments of society. Rather, it's about a large "us" and several smaller groups of "them". The clearest way to see this - and the developing obsolescence of left versus right - is through race and how people process the racial identity of others.
People on the left are busy outdoing each other in an effort to demonstrate how non-racist they are, while the right is split between those who are trying to prove how racist they are and the people who say they're "not racist, but...." Meanwhile, those of us in the middle, whether we tilt left or right, are too busy coming to grips with the fact that we have at least a generation's worth of prejudices to rise above that we can't be bothered to worry about outdoing anyone.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Surrender in the War of Ideas
Would these cry-babies like some cheese with their whine?
OK, that wasn't polite, let alone nice, but frankly there's no reason to be on this. Not only is it a wrongheaded approach, it's also a very un-American one. America's greatness is about the clash of ideas, not shutting out the ones you don't like or pretending inconvenient facts don't exist.
In case these misguided fellow Americans haven't realized it, the issue is not that people are discussing things about which they disagree. The issue is that we the people seem to have lost the ability to consider that other people might have highly valid reasons for holding opposing ideas. That's not surprising since partisans on all sides have trouble remembering that holding different ideas than you does not make that person less than human. I don't claim to know the answer to that problem, but I do know that people further isolating themselves in an ideological echo chamber is not going to help anything.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Plurality Rules
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Free Speech Fever
South Carolina congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson set a pretty high bar, but Texas Representative Steve Stockman seems up the challenge, in part because he's bringing reinforcements. Stockman, whose issues with President Obama are well-documented has invited a guest who may have even more grievances with the President - yes, Ted Nugent. The invitation of the Motor City Madman points to a problem for the GOP, though perhaps not for the obvious reasons.
The problem isn't that Nugent is a somewhat overrated guitarist with chicken-hawk leanings who crapped in his pants repeatedly to get himself declared unfit for service in Vietnam but heaps inflammatory and sometimes foul rhetoric on anyone who doesn't fit his narrow view of American values, though, all those things are true. The problem lies with Republican elected officials and, in Mitt Romney's case, credible candidates who refuse to repudiate Nugent no matter how much crap he scrapes out of his old pants to flings at people who love their country just as much as he claims to do.
Patriotism has historically been the last refuge of the scoundrel, but many American politicians seem to have concluded that invoking "freedom of speech" is their best protection from actual principle. When a de facto political figure like Nugent or Trump makes a comment that pole-vaults over the line between discourse and disgusting, too many politicians are happy to wrap themselves in the Bill of Rights and invoke the First Amendment to insulate themselves without having to take an actual stand that risks alienating supporters. This is, of course, hypocritical and cowardly and as such misunderstands the point this fundamental right.
Freedom of speech, that is to say freedom from government regulation of speech, was incorporated into the Constitution so that the citizens of a country that fought a war for freedom could speak truth to power without fear of government reprisal. What that right does not convey, however, is freedom from consequences. Just because the government is precluded from restricting speech, except for narrow exceptions in the area of public safety, doesn't mean that an elected official doesn't have an obligation to call out inflammatory language for what it is. That's something Senator (and candidate) Obama came to understand about the speeches of Reverend Jeremiah Wright and something that self-identified patriots like Stockman (and Nugent) will never appreciate.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Stop, Bastard Time!
Friday, February 1, 2013
Our Sarah Jane
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Body Polite-ic
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Flash (aah-aah)
1) As far as creating a comic-book atmosphere, it's about the truest adaptation of a classic character from that era of comics.
2) The American leads are pretty bad, but the supporting actors (mostly Brits) are wonderful, especially Brian Blessed as the borderline insane king of the Hawkmen.
3) The soundtrack by Queen remains awesome.
4) Between the blond beefcake being marched around in a speedo, the well-groomed man in the green suit speaking BBC English and - I suppose - the actress playing Ming the Merciless' daughter, I wonder how many young men came to appreciate their sexuality watching this movie.
5) The most implausible thing about the movie remains the idea that the New York Jets would actually have a quarterback good enough to fight off so many of Ming's soldiers singlehandedly.
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Sex Bomb
Today was no exception. I left with nine discs and that abundance left me with a dilemma. I can't decide which CD bargain I'm most excited about. I was able to narrow it down to two, but that's as far as I've gotten.
One was Roxy Music's album For Your Pleasure for a quarter, and the other was the CD-single of Toby Keith performing "Courtesy of the Red, White and Blue" live (with a spoken intro) for a dime. Bryan Ferry is passionate about screwing those after whom he lusts, while Toby Keith is passionate about bombing those he hates. Who's to say which is better? I respect them both.
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Down on Downton
The general consensus is that the first series of Downtown Abbey is a marvelous British period drama but the second run dipped in quality and turned into a soap opera. While there is some truth in that view, it overlooks one key thing not just about Downtown Abbey but also British period dramas in general. Most of the beloved costume dramas from the UK have a strong streak of soap opera in them.
This is as true of programs based on books like Brideshead Revisted and Poldark as it is of the show that Downtown Abbey most resembles - the original Upstairs Downstairs. It's also just as true of the first series of Downtown Abbey meaning that, while there was a distinct dip in quality between the first and second series, it would be a mistake to attribute it to the show suddenly becoming a soap opera. The real culprit seemed to be a lack of focus on the part of the writer, weaving in so many plot threads that not only was it was sometimes unclear which ones we should care about some of those we clearly are meant to focus on felt rushed such as the problems encountered by Mr. Bates late in the series.
Despite that, you have to give credit to the actors for continuing to approach even the more preposterous plot lines with conviction. This is most apparent with Brendan Coyle as Mr. Bates whose dignified performance is a stark contrast with the sensationalistic storyline he's been given. Coyle also starkly contrasts with Maggie Smith as the Countess, whose role has largely degenerated into throwing out pretentiously pithy comments every so often whether the story calls for it or not.
With the third series of Downtown Abbey premiering on PBS tonight, too long after its UK run for most American fans, the biggest question is not what will happen to Bates but rather whether it will be more like the first or the second. Whichever turns out to be the case, the new series is sure to have one thing in common with the previous ones, it will be the classiest soap opera on TV, and that's not a bad thing.