Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Liberty Without Responsibility Is Still Tyranny

While I hope that enough sensible voters in states with Senate races show up to keep the Senate out of GOP control, I concede that's unlikely. What's more likely is that, even if they gain control, they won't accomplish anything of substance.

For the avoidance of doubt, this won't be because of obstructionist tactics by the new minority party or even Presidential vetoes but rather because today's GOP collectively has no real interest in making government work. They're not even really a party so much as a family gathering where a small group that's had a bit too much to drink is making it hard for the ones who, despite long-held conflicts, know they really should help to get dinner on the table. Don't get me wrong, the Democratic Party has more than its share of feckless cowards (some of whom are probably lousy cooks) in the Senate, but I'll take them over the likes of Ed Gillespie and Mitch McConnell any day. 

Of course, ultimately it won't make much difference because of a more pervasive problem, one even worse than no-compromise "patriots" who don't understand that the Constitution they venerate was itself the product of compromise. It's the sad truth that most of us are so hung up on our rights that we neglect to consider the responsibilities that accompany them. JFK said it most eloquently, "ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country." Until that question is top of mind for all, America will remain the world's greatest example of wasted potential.

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