Saturday, December 3, 2011

Authority Always Wins

It doesn't matter how good your spam filtering is, there's always going to be some bit of nonsense that slips through to your inbox. A case in point can be found below, reprinted exactly as written.

As I perused the FM radio dial this morning, my ears were assaulted by an attack on the social order masquerading as popular song. This puerile screed perpetrated by an unkempt ruffian who I believe to be called John Lion or some such nonsense bemoaned the fact that his efforts to fight authority ended in failure. I vaguely recall the song from decades ago, though, neither the song nor its misguided message have aged particularly well. Though this "song" is as unworthy of serious analysis as it is to be played on publicly owned airwaves, I will pose one simple question. Has the singer, who I gather also has the dubious distinction of having written this trash, ever considered that the reason "authority always wins" is because he's clearly some sort of filthy hippie draining America's life-blood with each feeble attempt at social commentary? I rather doubt that his sort is capable of that sort of insight, which is clearly the purview of the unjustly maligned 1%. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some insider trading to arrange.

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