Dear A$$hole Bus Driver,
Please pardon the overly familiar form of address. I didn't have a chance to get your proper name while you were busy nearly running me over with your Route 79 Metrobus as I was legally crossing Georgia Avenue (at the intersection with Wayne Avenue) shortly before 1:30 this afternoon.
At the risk of stating the obvious, drivers are not just supposed to yield to pedestrians, they're required to do so. The fact that you're handling several tons of bus, against which my internal organs wouldn't stand much of a chance, does not lessen your responsibility to follow that most simple of road rules, it actually heightens that duty to the public.
Yes, I know that's dirty pool bringing the public into the conversation, especially when we haven't been properly introduced, but last I checked you are a public employee. Bearing that in mind, I'm sure I speak for many when I say it would be nice if you would, in the future, avoid trying to kill and/or injure the people who ultimately pay your salary. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
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