Friday, March 11, 2011

You Can't Spell Westboro Baptist Church Without "Worst"

It says a lot about Westboro Baptist Church that they're opposed by everyone from the Anti-Defamation League and the Patriot Guard Riders to Bill O'Reilly and Michael Moore. The only ones who seem to publicly defend them (which I mean very distinctly from "support them") are the Supreme Court and the ACLU, and I have to imagine both entities had to hold their noses throughout the process.

If there was any doubt about just how hateful WBC is, the group has dispelled it with the announcement that they plan to protest at the funeral of seven Pennsylvania children killed in a fire earlier this week (,0,5116994.story). According to the WBC's news release, the death of these children was divine vengeance on the state of Pennsylvania for mocking and persecuting the "church".

Even by the standard of the group's previous statements, including antisemitic comments that put the architects of the final solution to shame, this is remarkably depraved. It's not a very Christian attitude on my part, but if there is a Hell I hope that's where they're going.

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