Dear Friends,
I hope you'll all indulge me in taking a few moments of your time to offer an encouraging thought about the now concrete prospect of President Trump. As all but his most delusional supporters surely realize, Donald Trump is not a great business man. Don't worry, I'm not going to rehash Atlantic City hotels or Trump University. No, the real indictment of his incompetence can be summarized with two words - Trump Steaks. Trump Steaks failed. Yes, Donald Trump was unable to sell beef successfully to a nation whose relationship with beef borders on co-dependence.
So, having established that Donald Trump is a walking dumpster fire as a businessman, you may be wondering how that benefits America. The truth is that the President really has relatively little impact on the broader economy. Presidents are like NFL quarterbacks if NFL quarterbacks didn't actually impact the game - they get too much credit when the economy is good and too much criticism when it goes bad (unless, of course, you're Barack Obama in the first case and George W. Bush in the second). In other words, Donald Trump will be sitting in the Oval Office not tending to his businesses and not really doing anything to affect the American economy. With someone other than himself running his businesses, the chances of those businesses prospering and creating jobs is significantly increased. Combining that increase with the lack of effect his actions will have means that President Trump will end up improving the US economy more as President than he would have had he remained (scratch that, ever been) an actual businessman.
On top of that, it's widely documented that Donald Trump does not like to pay people. This seems to be one area where his business experience could be brought to bear on the economy in a positive light. By not paying those to whom America owes money, a Trump Administration will be able to keep the national debt from rising.
Clearly we live in an age of wonders. What's more, we live in an age where we can learn much if those around us are willing to teach. The lesson today - courtesy of "The Real Donald Trump" is that in America, all things are possible. Anyone - yes anyone - can grow up t become President, provided they're not an older woman who made some bad decisions in decades of highly scrutinized public life.
At the end of the day, we got into this mess together and we're going to get through it together one way or another. My way involves somewhat inappropriate humor and a daily haiku taking aim at President Trump. To one and all I say, follow your path, the way is love.
Love to All (even those of you who voted for Trump