As much as the various "religious freedom" bills being proposed in state legislatures to allow people and businesses to refuse service based on (supposed) principles bug me, I can't help but think that the opposition to them is missing the forest for the trees. Rather than trying to shame these dumb-asses into backing down, people of good conscience should force them to double down so that they will expose themselves as the vile hypocrites that they are.
The means I propose is for said people of good conscience to declare support for this law enabling private individuals and businesses to exercise the perverse form of personal liberty it seeks to enshrine if...wait for it...they will drop all efforts to pass laws restricting reproductive rights (and frankly anything else having to do with consensual sex between adults). It's pretty simple, you're either for personal liberty - whatever form it takes - or you're not. You don't get to say I'm for personal liberty except when it involves protecting the rights of a fetus who - by virtue of not having been born yet - has no legal rights yet.
And if they say, they're protecting that fetus because they will have legal rights at some point, they're still vile hypocrites because that's pretty much the same rationale as requiring people to buy health insurance because they'll need it eventually (per the Affordable Care Act). Last I checked, "conservatives" are also opposed to that, so they don't get to have it both ways. In short, either walk the walk or shut your stupid festering mouths you right-wing dickheads! After you've stuck your heads in an un-flushed toilet just used by someone who ate a 12-pack of tacos from Taco Bell, that is.